Oklahoma's monopoly education system gets more money

May 6, 2013

Like cicadas emerging from their shells, they come out every spring — a delegation from Oklahoma’s monopoly education system warning us with dire looks that we absolutely must “invest” more millions in our schools. To achieve exactly what they never quite make clear, but this year as in past years there’s a number attached. For 2013, it’s $117 million. They didn’t quite get what they wanted this year, but state Superintendent Janet Barresi did announce on Thursday that preK-12 education would receive $91 million in new funds for the next fiscal year.

But a quick glance at the chart above, as well as a look at Oklahoma school data from the most recent year, 2011, suggests this is not going to be money well spent.

Taxpayer dollars are precious, scarce resources that have many alternative uses. Giving more of those dollars to a failed government monopoly does a disservice to taxpayers.